A Conference to Address Challenges and Opportunities throughout the Food Chain
March 31 & April 1, 2016
Delta Guelph Hotel & Conference Centre, Guelph, ON
Hosted by OIA Guelph Branch
Register Here
As demands on our industry increase, our actions for which we are responsible will come under ever increasing scrutiny. Whether it is to feed 9 billion people in the future; protect the environment; achieve sustainability objectives or manage the impacts on the daily lives of people; the decisions we make every day have consequences. Our place in the global market will be enhanced through proven assurance and the credibility and enhanced networks predicated on collaboration, cooperation and increased dialogue.
The OIA Guelph Branch invites you to attend a conference addressing the challenges and opportunities throughout the food chain. The theme of the conference is “Responsibilities in a Demanding World”. There is a global move to go beyond traditional testing, inspection and training. We are seeing all sectors involved in the production and retail of food having to adopt principles related to values and beliefs. Trends domestically and in meeting export markets will involve the need to enhance the credibility of those contributing to the supply chain, including Ontario practitioners. The conference will have wide audience appeal involving production agriculture, the agri-food industry, students, food processing, retailing, producer organizations, and government.
The range of speakers will ensure attendees have an opportunity to learn from advances, hear the latest best practices and experience first-hand the potential that is before us to grow business opportunities while meeting public expectations. The post conference tour destinations are chosen to demonstrate agri-innovation, research commercialization and small business advancement in the area.