Low Carbon Manufacturing : Reducing Your Footprint Using Your Wasted Organic Assets
The new Waste Free Ontario Act (June 2016) and the new Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act (June 2016) are game changers in the food and beverage industry in Ontario. With this dynamic comes the opportunity to consider innovative energy and organics management solutions that support the legislative goals and address the impacts these directives will have in your business. Participants will learn about:
- The latest updates on the two new Acts and how they can affect your business
- New opportunities to utilize wasted organics that can be recovered in your supply chain
- Funding opportunities that support innovative energy and organics management solutions
- Industry initiatives that will support your business in the journey to be a low carbon manufacturer
Click HERE to listen to the webinar from November 28 2016!
Speakers Include:
Phil Dick – Business Development Officer , Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Phil will talk about Cap and Trade, and Zero Waste. These Acts have a core theme in closing the loop on what gets wasted. He will provide an overview of what is being targeted (Buildings, Transportation, Industry, Electricity, Agriculture and Waste Management) and describe the hard targets for Cap and Trade. He will identify a strategic solution to reduce your waste and carbon footprints.
Meena Hassanali – Director, Industry Programs Provision Coalition
- Meena will provide an overview of the food loss and waste challenge. She will also share Provision’s current food loss and waste initiatives and emphasize how they translate into business opportunities to minimize waste, recover organics and reduce carbon.
Randy Cluff – Director, Business Development CCI BioEnergy Inc.
- Randy will discuss the opportunity to recover your organic processing residuals and use them on-site to create energy that can be utilized within your operations to offset electrical, hot water, and transportation fuel needs while reducing your carbon footprint.