Employee Registration
If you are an employer in Ontario's food and beverage processing sector, CareersNOW! has training to support onboarding for your new hires.
We have partnered with industry leaders in skills training to provide your company with easy access to proven, online learning.
By simply directing your new employees to the registration form directly to the right, individuals can participate in up to 14 microcredentials — which takes approximately 30 hours — that will prepare them for a successful start in your operation. Research has shown that a workplace culture that commits to onboarding and continuous learning, or professional development, will result in better recruitment and retention of qualified employees.
For new hires, onboarding bolsters confidence and kick starts enthusiasm for the new position. Employers are welcome to utilize all 14 courses or select specific microcredentials within the curriculum some of the microcredentials that fit for their organization. You can create the curriculum that works for you.
Employee Registration
Please record your email and password for your next log in step.