Webinar: Growing Forward 2 Application TIPS for Food & Beverage Processors
Date: Tuesday, November 24th, 2015
Time: 10 am
Duration: 30 minutes
Join this webinar to learn about the Growing Forward 2 funding opportunities. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will share some valuable application tips and walk you through the online application process. This webinar is helpful for businesses who are thinking of submitting a Growing Forward 2 funding application online between November 16 and December 3rd.
Make sure you have a copy of the Processor Program Guide available for your reference.
How to join:
- Within 15 minutes of meeting start time, go to: https://omafra.webex.com/omafra/j.php?MTID=m4882e186eb17e0316e3680fa13f8f0d5
- Login by entering your name and e-mail address
- For the audio component, join the teleconference: 1-866-500-5845 / Conference ID 8200864
To ensure that you can successfully join the meeting online, please join a test meeting at http://www.webex.com/test-meeting.html at least one day in advance.