For Immediate Release: Food and Beverage Ontario and Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association Forge Agreement to Amalgamate





Food and Beverage Ontario and Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association Forge Agreement to Amalgamate

Improved advocacy, member benefits and operational efficiencies drive decision.


Guelph (May 15, 2018) – Today, Food and Beverage Ontario and the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association announce a new agreement to streamline operations and improve benefits for food and beverage processor members.


The new agreement recognizes that together, the organizations will have a stronger and more unified voice on shared advocacy and industry issues. Food and Beverage Ontario will provide operational support to Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association and will work collaboratively on strategic industry goals such as raising the profile of the industry, improving coordination along the supply chain and promoting Ontario processed products.


“It makes sense that processing sector associations look at every opportunity to provide the best possible value to members. With this partnership we are strengthening the voice of Ontario food and beverage processors and gaining efficiencies operationally,” said Norm Beal, ceo of Food and Beverage Ontario.


As part of the agreement, Norm Beal, CEO of Food and Beverage will assume the role of Executive Director of Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association and the organization will retain its current governance. Food and Beverage Ontario will manage the day-to-day operations of Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association coordinating all Board meetings, regional member meetings and the Annual General Meeting, in addition to leading government and public relations. Food and Beverage Ontario will also assist in organizing the annual Processing Vegetable Industry Conference in collaboration with the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers.


 “This is an important development for fruit and vegetable processors in Ontario. Our sector has been through a lot of change over the last ten years – consolidation, re-locations to the U.S. and retirement closures. For the remaining businesses in the province we want to be absolutely sure we are doing all we can to support our industry and strengthen relations across the supply chain. The agreement with Food and Beverage Ontario will do exactly that,” said Steve Lamoure, president of Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association.

About Food and Beverage Ontario

Food and Beverage Ontario is a not-for-profit, leadership organization advancing the interests of its Ontario food and beverage processor members. FBO’s focus is on the success, prosperity and growth of the food and beverage processing industry. To learn more about FBO visit


About Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association

The Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association is a non-profit processor organization for processors of tomatoes, green peas, sweet corn, green and wax beans, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, lima beans, peppers, pumpkin and squash for the canning, freezing and pickling industry.


Media Contact:

Isabel Dopta

Communications Director, Food and Beverage Ontario


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