BDO Manufacturing Month 2016


Innovation and new technologies are dramatically transforming the manufacturing and exporting industry in Canada. To remain competitive in times of uncertainty, Canadian businesses must learn to integrate and leverage technologies, so they can better handle challenges and remain profitable in a volatile marketplace.


Join BDO and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) in October to discuss the top issues facing Canadian manufacturers, as determined by the Industry 2030 roundtables and the 2016 CME Manufacturing Survey.


The event will provide invaluable advice and insight on the future of the industry and offer strategies to overcome obstacles and position yourself for success.


Complimentary events are being held in 8 cities across Canada, click here to register. After the presentations, you will also have the opportunity to network, ask questions and discuss issues with professionals.


This event is primarily intended for organizations operating within the manufacturing and distribution sector. While we welcome all participants, priority admittance will be given to those in the industry, or those bringing a colleague within the industry.

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