Workshop: Attracting Millennials to Careers in the Food and Beverage Processing Sector

Join us on for an action-oriented workshop hosted by the City of Toronto and Centennial College – School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts on March 27th to discuss attracting young people and new talent to careers in the food and beverage processing sector.

Attracting Millennials to Careers in the Food and Beverage Processing Sector

Date: March 27, 2017
Time: 8:30am- 11:00am (breakfast included)
Location: 937 Progress Ave, M1G 3T8 – Centennial College Event Centre

This workshop will appeal to HR professionals, senior executives and recruiters in food companies.

Why attend?

  • hear from successful companies that have attracted and retained young workers in the food and beverage industry and how they have changed their HR practices in order to do so.
  • meet with students and recent graduates for a candid conversation on career expectations and how best to appeal to the next employee generation.
  • learn about industry initiatives like the City of Toronto's Youth into Food Processing program and Food and Beverage Ontario’s Taste Your Future campaign and their recent research on millennials and the workplace.
  • understand the incoming pressures on skilled labour and how the food processing sector can respond
  • make valuable connections with the College community that are teaching and training the food industry workers of the future.

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